What is known is that, like semantic memory, remote memory eventually becomes independent of the hippocampus and appears to be “stored” more broadly in the neocortex. The underlying anatomy of remote memory is poorly understood, in part because testing this type of memory must be personalized to a patient’s autobiographical past. Remote: The memory of events that occurred in the distant past is a type of episodic memory referred to as remote or long term memory.For example, your knowledge of what a car is and how an engine works are examples of semantic memory. Semantic: Semantic memory refers to your general knowledge including knowledge of facts.The hippocampus and surrounding structures in the temporal lobe are important in episodic memory and are part of an important network called the default mode network, which includes several brain areas including frontal and parietal regions and has been implicated in episodic memory functioning.

The recollection of experiences is contingent on three steps of memory processing: encoding, consolidation/storage and retrieval.