However, the general consensus in the millennial worship community is that mac is the end-all for churches. There are things that I love about it, and things that I just live with, as is the case with any operating system.

I have used mac pretty much my whole life. Build your "Sunday morning playlist" by dragging and dropping in lyrics, slides, and other media. Last thing I want to hit on is the playlist system is very easy to use. Import images and videos and pull them up easily with their "bin" system. There are numerous options to enhance your presentation experience such as Bibles you can load on there and plugging in your Twitter feed. Just import it and set it up as you want it to look on the slides. So any new song that comes in we don't have to type up. We really enjoy the lyric import tool syncing with songselect. For sermons, you can build really nice slides in propresenter, or bring in your powerpoint slides to use as well. Lyric slides are robust giving you all the options you need to manipulate font and images. It's an investment, but you don't have to commit to monthly or yearly payments, which is very nice. First, this is a rare gem to have a one-time payment software. ProPresenter gives the church just about everything it needs to put on an excellent presentation on Sunday mornings, with lyrics, slides, announcements, countdowns.anything you need for service is at your fingertips. This is also not a stagnant one time buy, but a product which evolves and improves all the time with new features and the latest ideas for application. No need to worry that you will lose your work if you forget to save.

Another great feature is that your work is immediately saved as you work on a presentation.
Being able to send the same text to a display in house on a full screen and at the same time as a lower third on a live stream is a very useful feature. into different layers that can be selected or cleared gives you many different options and features in using the product. Separating media, slides, announcements, video input etc. One of the best and most helpful features is the ability to create different themes that can be applied to text. You can do basic presentation with ease and quickly master more complicated ways of utilizing the capabilities of ProPresenter more fully. Once I learned the basics, I was astounded at the simplicity and complexity of the program. Even though the initial learning curve is relatively steep, there are plenty of tutorials and videos available to make the learning detailed and easy.
ProPresenter 7 enables our relatively small church to present professional looking graphics to our online and in house worshipers.