For this reason, purified water is so valuable it should rarely be used as a thirst quencher.
Fallout 76 builds camp reddit full#
While this halves the healing gained from a full dose, it also lets you take half doses when you’re trying to heal lesser amounts of damage, and save a full Stimpak or RadAway bag for when you are gravely hurt or seriously suffering from radiation poisoning. Both RadAway and Stimpaks may now be diluted, using purified water, at a chemistry station.Purified water is so useful and rare it almost shouldn’t be used as a thirst quencher. It can get in the way of what you really want to be doing, so plan ahead.įood and water will be more important than in past Fallouts, sort of like hardcore mode in New Vegas or survival mode in Fallout 4. Being careless about food or water will mean emergency side trips to find and/or cook some, or eating raw or irradiated things out of desperation. Consider taking Perks that either increase the nourishment/hydration you receive from drinking and eating, or Perks that reduce the rads you absorb from eating impure food. This will also increase your exposure to radiation. Food and water will be a greater concern than in past Fallout games.Seriously consider increasing your strength (to increase carry weight) or taking Luck Perk Cards that improve the condition or the quantity of items you find. You should expect to craft and modify, or find and repair, what you need rather than buy it. (Raw materials take up less space than junk items also, when you die, you lose all your junk and have to backtrack to get it before someone else does.) While you may trade with other human players, and there are robot vendors (in places like the Morgantown Airport, or the railroad station in Sutton), caps are harder to come by than in past Fallouts - and anyway, you will likely need your currency more for fast travel or relocating your CAMP site.

Then break down the junk at any workbench (X or square when you step to it) and store all the junk in a stash box. Until you reach level 5, you should be picking clean every building, dwelling or site you encounter. The best bash attack to have is a gun with a bayonet affixed. RB/R1 is a bash attack with the weapon in your hand (the butt or stock of a gun if you’re out of ammo). X/Square both readies (tap) and puts away (hold) your weapon (or fists).

You’ll need your light a lot in Fallout 76. The button you use to bring up your Pip-Boy is also the one that turns on/off your light.Killing Docile Radstags or Brahmins for food and hide is also best done with a melee weapon as opposed to a firearm. Mongrels and Feral Ghouls move quickly and are best dealt with using a machete, knife or hatchet. Ammunition is a lot more scarce in Fallout 76 than in past games. Keep that melee weapon favorited and ready at all times.Furthermore, when bringing up the Pip-Boy, toggle it to the overlay (the View button/touchpad on console controllers) so that you can continue to see the world around you while navigating the menus.įallout 76 guide to leveling, SPECIAL and Perk Cards Any other weapons should be assigned to the weapons wheel, not favorited. When you’re surprised by enemies, one or two taps left on the D-pad will give you the emergency weapon you need (and tapping right will use a Stimpak). So you should always have a melee weapon favorited, and a firearm with a lot of ammo helps too. You can still be attacked while you’re hunting for an item in a menu, for instance. As an online multiplayer game, Fallout 76 has no pause function.Bethesda Game Studios/Bethesda Softworks General tips Finding and playing instruments (for 30 seconds) will give you the Well-Tuned effect, which regenerates Action Points 25 percent faster for one hour. Fallout 76 is much more survival-oriented than its predecessors, so scavenging, conserving ammunition and maintaining supplies of clean (or at least acceptable) food and water take on greater importance in Appalachia. This guide sheds light on what is worth doing in the immediate surroundings outside Vault 76, and what new players should focus on developing and building up at lower levels before moving on to more advanced missions and content. There is a main quest line to pursue, but there are more places and encounters in the rest of the world vying for players’ attention, distracting them from a less obvious main goal. After creating a character, players leave Vault 76 and may go anywhere.
Fallout 76 builds camp reddit series#
Fallout 76 isn’t like the Fallout role-playing games preceding it, in that the first several hours are rather linear as players complete a long series of introductory missions.